Jon Walz
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Back into Neovim

I've been a vim lover for years. I remember when it was more of an internet battle between vim and emacs, and I really only landed on the vim side because of the game Vim Adventures. Without that game, I would have probably never bothered with terminal based development. The last few years I've had to convert to IDEs such as VSCode and Intellij simply because of the workplace. When everyone went remote in 2020, we all started using remote pair programming tools and both VSCode and Intellij had great solutions for this. Sure, screen sharing works, but I found that people couldn't follow what I was presenting quite as easily when sharing a vim terminal. And I could easily use vim keybinding while using these IDEs.

Anyway, flash forward to 2024 and I stumbled on this youtuber going over his neovim setup and I was re-inspired. The tooling and dev experience has improved tremendously since I was last using vim. Even the configuration experience of scripting with lua and plugin ecosystem has really sparked my interest.

With the rise of AI assisted coding, it was to see plugins like the Aider plugin for nvim. The topic of AI assisted coding is still very cotroversial and I understand the fears around this, but as an experienced engineer, it really improves velocity. If you can identify when the generated code is off base, you can easily adjust your approach, or prompt, or write the code yourself given the context of the problem. The future of software engineering is certainly changing with these tools. I'm getting off topic, but I believe we are in the phase of "they fight you". Development in itself is the process of solving business problems and these tools are here to aid this process. The brightest minds will come out on top with both a sound foundation in coding and strong understanding of AI prompting.

I'm excited to get back into the vim world and I saved my new neovim cofigration to github.